

Sunday, September 2, 2007

7 Ways of Looking at an Oak Tree

Yeah, so I'm weird for posting my homework on this blog even though I'm not in Mr. Watson's class anymore. I think I'll keep a collection of my work this year on here anyways...
1st Poem of the year
A tiny oak seed
Placed in moist soil
Patted with wrinkled hands
Nourished by drops of sunshine

Her daddy built her a tree house
Ruby red like her favorite dress
Nail by nail, wall by wall
Sustained by firm branches,
Of the young Oak tree

Gusts of wind rushed through lush foliage
Moonlight shone upon the Oak tree
Her room was enveloped in a blanket of darkness
Monsters crept through an open window
Shadows danced across the walls
She clutched her teddy with fright

He found a stone lying in the grass,
Beneath the red and white checkers of their picnic blanket
Solid and smooth in his fist
With careful strokes, he striped away bark on the Oak tree
A satisfied smile
His initials, next to hers

Fiery reds, pumpkin oranges, golden yellows
Leaves from the Oak tree crunched under the rusty rake
Its bare branches shivered in the chilly winds

The owl sat in the old Oak tree
Wrapped tightly in his wrinkled wings
Quizzically watching the man and woman below
Mitten hands,

Branches and leaves sat on the green grass
Red wood remnants and acorns, too
The Oak tree laid on the soil
Resting in peace

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