

Sunday, March 4, 2007

One Tree Hill: Pictures of You

"How long does it take to change your life? Can your life change in a month? A week? A day?"

One Tree Hill is one of my favorite television shows. I like it because there is always some actual substance to each episode. By substance, I mean that in each episode, there are messages that address real life issues. Watching this show makes me think.

I felt like posting this video clip, because it is one that I can relate to, and I think that all my classmates can relate to as well. In a way, it is connected to some of the topics we discussed earlier in English class; essential questions, such as, "Who am I? What are the things that define myself, my character, my image?"

In this clip, the point the teacher is tring to make is that whether you like it or not, "you are how your classmates see you," and they will judge you based on their opinions. But when you leave highschool, you are given a chance to erase these superficial labels and recreate yourself. Shedding your highschool image, is good for some, and bad news for others. Some decide to stick with their identity, stay in the same town they grew up in, and some decide to move on. Either way, your peers and community in which you surround yourself, impact "who you are."

I recommend to anyone that they watch this episode of One Tree Hill, to better understand what I'm talking about. It's kinda difficult to understand the "relationships" between the characters if you haven't been following the series, though.


Sierra J. said...

Yes I absolutely agree with you. I watched that episode since I saw it on your blog and I also watched another one that was similar to yours saying "Do memories also make who you are?" It was very interesting to see this concept throuh a T.V. show, but it was fun and exciting to see others acting it out. What the teacher did was very generous of him because he gave the students a new opportunity to learn about the ones that they don't know and more about the ones that they may already have known. As you said the message of the episode was that classmates, and people around us, have molded us into the people we have become today. It has a really deep meaning and I'm glad that you posted it on your blog!

Great job!

Elijah said...

I am in love with this show. I absolutely adore Chad Michael Murray, and am so glad I made the time to sit can Download one tree hills free

Anonymous said...

This episode is amazing, i absolutely adore One Tree Hill, especially Nathan Scott, his picture was my favourite, very clever. :)